Last Month: in Pictures

   Finally, after many long and eventful weeks, our life is gradually back on track. Hopefully I can write more often now and due to better transportation can diectly visit the homes and farms of the people of whom this blog is all about: the Mennonites.
  Below are some pictures from the month of December and a few from January.

A home-brewed wine

A perfect rainbow in Gnadenfeld village, Spanish Lookout

A packed parking lot during tax-free weekend in December

We attended a program acted out by deaf-mute students at the Mennonite owned Cayo Deaf Institute

A Christmas program by students of a Mennonite mission school; the building was rented for the occasion

A brilliantly decorated yard in Spanish Lookout

A quiet peaceful evening at a farm

Sunset reflection lingers on the Spanish Lookout town hall, also dubbed "the White House"

Ultra conservative Mennonites from the nearby community of Lower Barton Creek

Students at a mission school


                           A. Mendoza

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