Just a Note

   There are readers wondering about my blog. To be honest I myself have been wondering about it too. As much as I enjoy freelance writing, family takes priority. And when you have a growing family the size of ours, you find very little spare time for hobbies but spend lots of time on habits. Such as coaxing a fussy 6 month old to go night night or trying to persuade a cranky 2 year old that beans are not yucky and comforting your 4 year old daughter because she cannot have a wedding just yet. Not to mention racking your brain with your school age children’s questions about sedimentary, legendary, and metamorphosis.
  It requires patience, strength, and courage to wake up early in the morning to help my better half prepare lunches even though we two slept only 4 hours due to a certain little person who refused to eat according to the normal schedule. Then dropping into bed at 11pm after a day of sales, driving, carpentry and online work. All in a day’s work, of course. But at such moments the words Mennonite and blogging are far from me. It wasn't always this hectic and yet in a way it was sort of expected due to being Christmas and due to a hobby I picked up and turned into a part-time job. Now it looks like I might resign from my office job and pursue my hobby instead.
  Which is why I haven’t posted much in my blog this year. Perhaps I should pick up full time writing and turn it into a profitable income. There was a time when I had hoped ads on my blogsite would be a great income but eventually turned it off. Readers want to know about Mennonites, not about white sand secret beaches or rainforest tours or ancient Maya temples.
  Hopefully we can work out a schedule where I can focus on my blog more consistently.

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