A New School

New Hope Mission School, a conservative Mennonite-owned facility in Spanish Lookout

They held hands as they walked towards the school building, their faces glowing with anticipation while the cool morning breeze ruffled their crisp new shirts. That big day, much talked about, discussed and imagined, was finally here. I felt a bit emotional as I waved goodby half an hour later.
  We parents had endeavored to homeschool them for one term due to the Holdeman Mennonite school abruptly closing down in mid 2023 after being in operation since 1995. To say we felt stranded wasn’t accurate. Instead we began to be increasingly desperate as door after door appeared to be closing on us. One school was too modern; another was too rigid; yet another had no specific religious affiliation; government schools were not an option. Thus we settled on homeschooling until another little one arrived in the family, creating a challenge in our schedule. Early this year we commenced our search again until at last a door opened, hesitatingly it seemed due to the advanced age of our children, but eventually we were approved.
  Now the day was finally here. Their uniforms had been pressed the night before, shoes cleaned, the last question answered. The following morning they were up at 5, eager to get in the bus. I patiently instructed them to go back to bed until we called them. They reluctantly obeyed.
  Even though they thoroughly enjoyed school and chattered non-stop when I picked them up at 3pm,  they were exhausted by day’s end, complaining of sore arms and aching legs. I smiled at them, glanced over at my spouse, and suddenly knew we had made the right choice.

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A. Mendoza

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