Mennonite Houses

 Mennonites in Belize have become famous for their custom-built wooden "Mennonite houses". The two main house builders in the country, Plett's Home Builders and Linda Vista Lumberyard, both located in Spanish Lookout, have become reknowned for their prefabricated houses which are built in Spanish Lookout and shipped countrywide. Houses are built from lumber or colored sheet metal and prices will vary of course based on the amount of details a customer wants. A small house with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom and kitchen may cost you an estimated US$12,000 to US$15,000. (Check directly with the company for up-to-date pricing and delivery fees.)
A "Mennonite house", custom built by Plett's Home Builder's; photo via Facebook

  Plett's Home Builders offers both metal and wood siding with a variety of porch and window designs. Linda Vista, which is just down the road from Plett's, also offers excellent building options. Also inside Spanish Lookout is Midwest Lumber Mill, a third building company which constructs basic wooden houses.
  Just outside Spanish Lookout is a company, Premier Home Construction, which is not Mennonite-owned but deals in the same type of custom built housing. Over by Belmopan, the capital, is another company called Penner's Home Building.
  Interestingly, even though Mennonites have become famous for these prefab houses, many of their customers are actually non-Mennonites. Another interesting fact is that many Mennonites inside the communities prefer to hire "spanish" contractors to build their homes. I know of several Mestizo contractors who have steady jobs all year long in Spanish Lookout alone. So while some Mennonites are busy building for non-Mennonites, there are non-Mennonites busy building for Mennonites.
  In Blue Creek and Spanish Lookout, where the residents are going for the latest style of housing, you will find large and modern "North American" homes. 

Spanish Lookout

Spanish Lookout

  In the Old Colony villages you will see painted clapboard frames or plain galvanized metal siding.

Old Colony

Old Colony

  In the Old Order (who resemble the Amish) villages you will find unpainted wooden houses as well as a few metal frame ones, very simply but solidly built. Paint on a house is considered worldly among this group.

Old Order

Old Order

Contact Linda Vista

Note: this blog is not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the above companies. This is a subject to which many readers, especially out-of-country, are keenly attracted to. For queries about pricing, styles, and lumber supply, contact the email addresses provided.

                                                A. Mendoza