Conservative and Beachy Mennonites in Belize

Who are they and when did they arrive in Belize? Earlier in this blog I explained that when I use the word Conservative with a capital C, I am referring to a particular branch of the Mennonite faith, which has its roots in the Old Order Amish religion. Sort of an Amish and Mennonite hybrid which appeared in early to mid-twentieth century up north in the US. In Belize, these Mennonite churches which often operate independently from each other are made up of Mestizos, Mayas, Creoles and North American Mennonite immigrants; they do not live in autonomous colonies. The men are not easily noticeable but the women are quite conspicuous with their floor length plain cape dresses and white head coverings. From what I understand the Conservative church firmly established itself in Belize in the 1980's, after an Amish mission organization from the US paved the way earlier in the 1960's, shortly after the "Russian" Mennonites of Spanish Lookout and Shipyard had arrived fro...