Mennonite Businesses in Belize

Mennonite Stores and Other Businesses Below is a list of the most known stores owned by Mennonites. Stores that are owned by Spanish Lookout Mennonites: 1. Caribbean Tires, with branches in Belmopan, Belize City and Orange Walk. 2. Farmer's Trading Center, the country's second biggest retailer of hardware and grocery combined. 3. Reimer's Feed Mill, a store that specializes in feed for poultry and other livestock but sells a variety of hardware and farm tools. Presently they have branches in Belmopan, Belize City, Orange Walk and San Ignacio. 4. Quality Poultry Products, Belize's biggest provider of processed and packaged raw poultry items. 5. Westrac, a store that sells automotive supplies as well as tractor and truck parts. Currently they have branches located in Belmopan, Belize City and Orange Walk. 6. Western Dairies, Belize's biggest and only provider of processed dairy products and a very popular ice cream parlor and pizza kitchen. Branches are loc...