Mennonites & Fashion (Part 2)

Those of you who have a different interpretation of the words jewelry, makeup, etc., below are some Mennonite churches you might consider joining. Now these churches are what I would categorize as liberal or "freedom" Mennonites. Read on. EMMC (Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church) is the biggest non-conservative church within the Mennonite culture in Belize. Almost anything goes. Hip-hop music, funky hairstyles, very casual clothing, (some young girls have worn very little at the beaches), beer and wine, rednecks. Punks and rednecks were more common at one time in Spanish Lookout until the community leaders became aware of the drug dealings and other questionable things going on at night on the community roads. Many of them left for Canada. A few have returned to settle down. Besides the EMMC, there are some more of these liberal churches scattered around. Some are halfway between liberal and conservative, others lean toward a liberal lifestyle while...